September 28, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

The Top 5 Most Popular Languages In 2024

popular languages | Thepennywize

Speaking another language can help you fulfill all your purposes of going abroad to study, work, or explore new places that satisfy your desire to travel. Other consequences of learning new languages include developing the brain, expanding the memory, and reducing travel stress. Do you want to learn the most popular languages for your future? In this blog, we will talk about the perfect languages for you. 

Here are the best languages to be spoken widely in 2024 

1. Spanish 

Spanish | Thepennywize

At present time, Spanish is the second most widely natively spoken language in the world after English and also the third most used language over the Internet, and the first among the Romance languages. There are 21 countries where Spanish is spoken around the world, while a host of other countries have populations that are significant in number in terms of Spanish speakers. This language is used by business people, travelers, and students.

2. French 

French | Thepennywize

French is the top priority language because more than  300 million users and 29-plus nations use this language. it is the third most often spoken language in the world. Being the official language, the majority of speakers are not native. The European Union, the United Nations, and other major organizations like NATO and WHO used this language. 

3. Mandarin Chinese 

Mandarin Chinese | Thepennywize

Chinese is the most natively spoken language in the world – some form of it is spoken by 1.3 billion people – so, of course, it’s going on this list. One of the largest populations speaks Mandarin as a native language in more than 20 nations. While it is one of the most challenging languages to grasp, the result is well-valued. Moreover, for any work to be planned abroad, or in international business, it would also help if you could understand their culture, thereby making your working relationship firmer.

4. Korean 

Korean | Thepennywize

Korean is the spoken language of over 75 million, thus the 18th most spoken language in the world. A much more important language will carry if Korea continues to be strong in politics and culture worldwide. It is much more sensible and easier to learn Korean than Chinese. The Korean alphabet, which has only 24 letters, was designed to look just like the sounds. Writing in Korean is one of the simplest letters to learn because their letter method is quite logical.

5. Japanese 

Japanese | Thepennywize

Traveling is normal in Japan because its rich and interesting history and this can easily be one of the good reasons to learn the Japanese language. It is one of the most toughest languages to learn after Mandarin Chinese because this language system is completely different from others.

Japan has the third-largest GDP in the world and hosts the best innovative businesses, therefore learning this language is beneficial for the upcoming years.

Conclusion :

The language you are most interested in learning is the one that will inspire you to study and practice regardless of the obstacles you face. You struggle towards the exact time when your world will open up to millions of choices, whether it is finishing business deals in language or making friends with the natives. Thus, in 2024, why not pick up a new language? For more tips, visit


Q1. Which is the toughest language in 2024?

At present time, Mandarin Chinese will be the toughest language in 2024.

Q2. Which is the easiest language after English? 

Spanish is the easiest language after English. 

Q3. What four abilities are required to pick up a new language?

The most important language learning abilities are speaking, writing, listening, and reading.


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